Tips for Taking a Road Trip in an RV with Your Grandchildren


Tips for Taking a Road Trip in an RV with Your Grandchildren

September 3, 2019 11:43 AM

There are a few types of vacations better for spending quality time with people you care about than an RV road trip.  You clock shared hours on the road watching the countryside go by and, at the end of the driving day, arrive at your desired destination, ready to start exploring and partaking in whatever adventure is next.  Further, given the accessibility and affordability of the RV road trip, you can build an itinerary to please all ages.  Here at Expedition Motorhomes, we are seeing an increasing amount of grandparents renting vehicles and loading their RV with grandchildren.  What better way to spend quality time with your family and spoil the little ones, as they should be, than taking them around California in a vehicle built for adventure?  If this is something you have considered, here are four tips to help ensure that a road trip in a rental RV with grandchildren goes off without a hitch.


This should be a no-brainer for anybody on a road trip no matter the age, but a little more thought is required when grandchildren are involved.  In order to keep the little ones happy and healthy, you need to strike a balance between favorite foods and healthy options.  You want your family to eat well, but treats can also be an excellent motivation on the road.  Stopping for an ice-cream cone at lunch or letting them pick their own snack out at a gas station can be a great motivation to withstand long days on the road.


Perhaps the best thing about an RV is the comfort and space it affords all passengers.  Take advantage of this with your grandchildren, and keep them on their normal routine.  Just because you are driving through their nap time doesn’t mean they have to skip it.  If you can make sure everyone is staying well rested while on the road, spirits will be much higher when you arrive at your destination for dinner, camping, and the following day of adventure. 

Movies and Games

Depending on your itinerary, you may have some very long days on the road.  Like a cruise ship between ports, however, these can be some of the most fun if structured well.  Before taking off on the road, make sure you have some of your grandchildren’s favorite movies downloaded to watch and some of their favorite games packed and ready to play.  While one grandparent drives the other can play with the kids, having at least as much fun as you do when the grandkids visit you at home. 

If done thoughtfully, loading a rental RV with grandchildren and hitting the road will prove to be one of the most fun vacations you will ever have.  At Expedition Motorhomes, we are seeing more and more of these types of road trips and the smiles we see upon return are priceless.  If this is something you are considering, give us a call today and allow our passionate staff to help you build the road trip of a lifetime.

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