3 Critical RV Bad Weather Tips


3 Critical RV Bad Weather Tips

September 16, 2020 11:00 AM

Vacations are meant to be rejuvenating and relaxing, and many Calabasas RV rental vacations are. Road tripping in Los Angeles motor home rentals allows for travellers to choose their itinerary and destination, and create an LA motor home road trip to suit their needs. However, no matter how much planning you put into your Los Angeles motor homes rental road trip, you can’t control the weather. California generally has some of the best weather in the country, but bad weather does pop up time and again. At Expedition, the leading provider of LA motorhomes, we have seen it all and know not to fret when the weather on a road trip takes a turn for the worst. If you happen to be out on the road in your Los Angeles motor home rentals and run into some bad weather, here are three critical tips to help see you through.

Have a Plan in Place

One of the most helpful bad weather tips for RV camping is to have a plan in place in case you need to up and leave in a hurry. Being able to quickly pack up camp and get your LA motorhomes ready to move is a critical skill in avoiding bad weather. Whether you are at risk of a major storm, flash flood, mudslide, or wildfire being able to mobilize your California RV rentals efficiently and effectively will not only help keep you and your family safe but it will allow you to continue your long-awaited road trip.

Create Back-Up Itineraries

While you will be pulling out of the Calabasas RV rentals lot with a vision of your perfect LA motor home road trip, it is always good to have a backup itinerary in place. As you rumble down the road from one epic destination to the next, be sure to follow the weather forecast for what is waiting for you ahead. Being vigilant in terms of planning your itinerary will allow you to easily pivot away from a destination if it looks like you may run into bad weather. If you have a back up itinerary or destinations in place already, you can seamlessly adjust your road trip with little to no disappointment.

Pack for Poor Weather

Our last critical tip for encountering bad weather when RV camping is simple: pack accordingly. Securing a Los Angeles motor home rental for a road trip is a great way to ensure some togetherness during vacation. Instead of running from bad weather on the road, take advantage of it and hunker down. Watch movies, play games, do a puzzle, enjoy good food! There are countless ways to stay busy and have fun during bad weather spells and, if you pack accordingly, you may find out that the rainy days were some of the most memorable fo your entire vacation.

You can plan for a lot when it comes to your Expedition Motorhomes Calabasas RV rental vacation, but the weather can be tricky. Not always the most predictable, sometimes you just have to deal with bad weather as it comes. Using our three essential tips above will allow you to make the most of your road trip no matter the weather. Give the experts at Expedition Motorhomes a call today, and secure your fall Los Angeles motor homes rental today.

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